Introduction of us
Different standards
Rules of Engagement for Mounted Troops
The Challenge

Standing Orders

Camp Life 3rd Texas Cavalry Style

The 3rd Texas has had several drills and camps at Brushy Creek Ranch. In January of 1988 we hosted a camp life reenactment that was unique in our hobby. What we did was practice on our living history impressions and work toward improving those areas that tend to look less than authentic. What took place was a great weekend with family and friends. One of the high lights was several of our local Native American friends, known to the outside world as Indians, participated with us. Our friendship with them and they with us made for a reenactment that won't soon be forgotten. Joining in with us was the 11th Texas Cavalry (mounted) commanded by Capt. Mike Sabota. Additionally, we had the 11th Texas Cavalry (dismounted) commanded by Captain Craig White. We had several of our civilian reenactors and together, we had a most enjoyable time. We put this up on our web site to share it with anyone who was interested and as an educational tool for schools and schoalors. We have included several images and some real Native American dialect in the hopes to invite you to share a portion of the weekend through this web site.

Mission: Enter into Indian Territory and make contact with the local Native Americans and settlers. Establish a an understanding and attempt to establish a treaty and a recruitment drive for the Confederacy. Establish a coalition and work toward the establishment of either a brigade, or legion.

Elements of the 3rd Texas Cavalry found itself in Indian territory in early 1862. We camp near a small stream called Brushy Creek and were soon joined by elements of the 11th Texas Cavalry. Several of the settlers in the area joined us and together we enjoyed meals and talked of the up coming campaigns. There was agreement to join forces against the common foe and a peace pipe was passed in honor of the occasion.

We were meet by representatives of the Lakota, Mohawk, and Comanchie Nations. The 3rd Texas Cavalry Regimental Bugler, Reg/Sgt. Darrel MacAlexander was sent a head to negotiate with Red Eagle of the Lakotas as he spoke the language.


He was to signal the way clear or ride back if not by the morning of the 24th of January. He met with Red Eagle and Two Bear in Red Eagles lodge and a treaty was negotiated and the peace pipe consummated the agreement..The signal was given and the camp was set up.The camp was located along a desolate road, hidden from view by tall trees and underbrush.

By noon elements of the 11th Texas arrived from near Tyler, Texas and joined elements of another 11th Texas unit already at the location. Capt. Mike Sabota was leading this contingent and their arrival was heralded by one and all.

Col. Hair and Major Elder arrived to further negotiations dress in Yankee uniforms as they had come from behind the Yankee lines and did not wish to be stopped and asked for passes. Several of the settlers met the the Confederate Cavalry and helped set up camp.

Part 2